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Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted>

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Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted> Empty Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted>

Post  Ularim Sun May 24, 2009 12:41 am


Character name: Ularim

Level: 80

Class: Druid

Your RL Age: 16

Your RL Sex: Male

Where are you from IRL?: PA

Primary Raiding Talent Spec: Restoration

Secondary Raiding Spec: Balance (but i have some feral gear if needed)

WoW Armory Link:

Please link a recent WWS or WMO report here for us to see. If your guild didn't use either, please tell us what kind of damage can you do in a raid environment: well i normaly heal but if i go boomkin i can do about 2k in a 10 man and 2k-3k in a 25 man

Application Type: Select: Raid, General Member (just looking for a good guild), Friend/Family of Current Guildie: Raid

Your Time Zone (PDT, MDT, CDT, EDT, other): EST (east coast)

Playtime Availability: weekends all night long, weekdays i can stay till about 8:30 server till school Razz is over on June 5, then ill be on all the time lol

We do progression raiding Monday-Thursday 6-10 PDT. How many days can you attend consistently?: I could attend all the time over the summer, but for the next 2 weeks i can only stay till about 8-8:30 (damn parents lol)

Raid Experience (What is the farthest you've been in WoW Classic, TBC, and WotLK?): Karazhan in BC, Naxx 10/25, OS 10/25, VOA 10/25, Ulduar 10 first 5 bosses, Ulduar 25 first 5 and thorim

MMORPG Game History: WoW... thats all i need lol

What Frostfire members do you know and what is your relationship? Why would they recommend you?: Hazed, just friends from playing in-game

Current Guild: Phoeniix

Why do you want to leave your current guild?: my old guild fell apart so they are kinda just a temp thing till i can get into a good raiding guild

Previous Guilds (Last 3 and approximate duration in each): Phoeniix 3 days, NoX 4 weeks, Anno Domini since Sept 08

How many achievement points do you have?: 1915

Are you the original owner of your main character's account?: Yes

If you were to respec, which build would you choose? Why? Do you have the gear for any of these specs?: Balance because there are so many melee players (DK's and Pallys lol) i feel that range is needed more, I have some gear but i could get more i just heal all the time so it isnt big for me right now

Do you play in arenas? If so, what are your ratings like?: Not Really, just to waste time till raids

What do you see as the current strengths of your particular class/spec in a raid setting?: AOE healing, can also heal MTs in 10 mans if no pally or priest is there, HoTs are HUGE for me affraid

What do you see as the current weaknesses of your particular class/spec in a raid setting?: None, i feel i do well with keeping the raid up

How do you prepare for new raid content that you've never experienced?: videos

What is your least favorite part of high end guilds?: loot ninjas, drama, taking the game WAY to serious

With server transfers available, there are many, many choices of raid guilds available to you. Why Frostfire?: Frostfire seems like they do great progress, I know Hazed and he seems like he likes it a lot, he is the one who told me about the online app, Ive been in a few other raiding guilds who seem to take it way to serious, they booted someone from guild for having under 2.5k dps...

Can you give us computer and internet specs?: Dell Laptop insperon 1525, Verizon DSL

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Can your computer run Ventrilo?: Yes

Are you a keyboard turner?: What? lol i guess thats a no

Are you a clicker?: Yes and no, i kinda do both

What is your greatness weakness as a WoW player? How are you trying to improve this aspect of your play?: I kinda flipped when i was in Anno Domini cause i joined cause they said they were a raiding guild and they couldnt even clear 25 man naxx, so i got frustrated cause most of the guild has a wow-heroes rating of under 1600, i could inprove this by taking the game less serious i guess but i decided to join a new guild instead

What is your greatest strength as a WoW player?: I feel i have a great knowlegde of my class and of the game content, i learn fast and i listen to directions well

How willing are you to give up a non-progression raiding spot to some to get gear/experience with the raiding team?: Very Willing

What would you do in a case where we take someone other than you for a progression raid (10 or 25)?: if im new thats okay if you take a player thats been in guild longer, but if ive been in the guild a while and you take a noob that just joined the guild i would talk to the raid leaders and the GM about it

Name your top five favorite songs: Day 'n' night, decode, anything that is like alternative or pop

What is your life like outside of WoW?: im a sophmore in highschool and im in NHS and other clubs at my school

In the event of a Warglaive of Azzinoth of dropping. A rogue that has shown his loyalty but is relatively new to the guild can complete the set with it, but you have more DKP and have been in the guild longer. Who gets the legendary?: i say it goes to the player with the higher DKP and has been in the guild longer

Big Lebosky or Caddyshack?: Caddyshack

Step Brothers or Super Bad?: Super Bad

The Beatles or Lil' Wayne?: Lil' Wayne

Ice Cream or Cake?: Ice Cream pig

Pizza or Cheese Burger?: Pizza

Eat 10 teaspoons of hair shavings or Use a rotting deer carcass for a backpack for 10 years?: put the hair shavings in something and ill take them lol

Lupe Fiasco or Blink 182?: Blink 182

Basketball or Football?: football


Console or Computer games?: BOTH!!!!

Mac or PC?: PC

Coke or Pepsi?: PEPSI wins by a long shot!

*Answer 4 of the following*
What is the worst thing you have ever done sexually?:

In the late 40's I bought some cigarettes and there were two pennies in the pack. How did they get there?:

Were you beaten as a child?:

How is a Cat like a Refrigerator?:

Why aren't there bullet-proof pants?:

Isn't it scary that the word "therapist" is the same as the words "the" and "rapist" put together?: LMAO wow i never saw it like that before, i think i will never go to a therapist now though O.o

Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?: cause the ppl that make the meat are round not strait duhhh, thats why they play with meat all day!

If 4 out of 5 people suffer from heartburn, does that mean the fifth one enjoys it?: it means that the 5th person is heartless and therefor cannot have hearburn

How would you feel if your family owned a internet dating site, such as

In the event of a zombie apocalypse, where would you choose to hide and what weapon would you choose to defend yourself?: a zombie apocalypse, oh well i think ill go play some wow

You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise. It’s crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lies on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?:

What mythical creature would you be and why?:


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Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted> Empty Re: Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted>

Post  Mikegordon Sun May 24, 2009 1:20 am

need resto druids.

in imo


Posts : 71
Join date : 2008-12-14
Age : 35

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Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted> Empty Re: Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted>

Post  Streetmagus Sun May 24, 2009 7:41 am

Solid and honest application. Seems like you'll fit in with us nicely. We're going to have to wait for the Druid class leader's take on this.

Posts : 91
Join date : 2009-02-14
Location : Davis, California

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Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted> Empty Re: Ularim 80 Restoration Druid <Accepted>

Post  Hippey Sun May 24, 2009 9:30 am

pig on ice cream = win

ACCEPTED-- based on that, i didnt read anything else.

(i do hand jobs for gold)...srsly...


Posts : 16
Join date : 2009-04-28

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